Originally constructed in 1921 and infused with historical significance, the Cotton Exchange Hotel is an eight-story masonry-clad building, located at 221 Carondelet Street, in the heart of downtown New Orleans. Campo converted the building into the first AC Hotel by Marriott, in the United States.
Renovations included 220 guest rooms and a first floor remodel with a buffet, bar, and lounge. The design team coordinated with the Louisiana State Historic Preservation Office and National Park Service to protect and preserve this nationally registered building’s historic elements. By coordinating with an interior designer and carefully consulting Marriott design standards, Campo developed a “floating bar and backbar” concept. This concept is now consistently referenced among all Marriott AC Hotel projects.
The hotel’s interiors strike a unique balance between new styles and traditional Southern charm. The contrast of contemporary artwork alongside historic architecture drives the Cotton Exchange’s atmosphere, as is seen throughout the lounge and lobby spaces. The Cotton Exchange AC Hotel Bourbon won the AIA Louisiana Design Award of Merit for Historic Preservation in 2015.
LOCATION: New Orleans, LA
SQ FT: 102,000
COST: $8.9 million
Historic Tax Credit
2015 Design Award of Merit for Historic Preservation: AIA Louisiana
Photo Credit: (Slides 1-12, 17) • Robb Aaron Gordon • 28935 Selfridge Drive • Malibu, CA 90265